*It is the dead of night, when you can see no light from sunset nor sunrise. It is a peaceful night. Most of the inhabitants of Ralinwood, both creature and person alike will most likely be asleep at this hour. However off the beaten trail, into the area of thick Pine Trees, there can be a faint sound of crying coming from behind the trees. And from the deep raspy quality of the voice, it is almost without a doubt Doyly.
*Myra heads towards the outhouses from camp. She pauses when she hears the noise, and looks around nervously to see if anyone else is there, then takes a few tentative steps towards the sound, still staying far back. She calls out*
"Um, hello? Is...are you okay?"
*The sounds stop within seconds of the words. A moment of silence passes by before it is broken.
*Sniff* "M-Myra?"
*Doyly moves a few branches with his spear to get a better look at her. His eyes are rather red and his stone cheeks are stained with tears.
*she squints in the darkness, then seems to recognize him*
"Doyly? Are you okay?"
*she frowns and moves closer, reaching out to check his vitals if he lets her ((anatomy, how many body down? any toxins? disease?))*
"That was dumb, sorry, you're obviously not."
*Doyly takes a few steps towards Myra, arms out stretched in a manner that would suggest he is going for a hug.
"Myra I--"
*He freezes a few steps from her before slowly curling his arms up to his chest and looking to the ground as he begins to shake slightly
*she freezes as well, looking very uncertain, then goes in for a hug*
"What's wrong?"
"You told me you were afraid of hugs once..." *Sniff*
*Doyly slowly moves up to Myra before throwing his arms around her and begins crying again.
*she staggers a bit under his weight and tries to guide him down to sit on the ground*
"Um, not...not exactly...what's the matter?"
*They then both proceed to talk quietly to each other as they sit behind the trees
((Basically we've moved to private chat,, sorry!!))