Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Tacking a Notice and taking a seat (Monday May 26 TS 4:30pm)
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*Ellewen will tack a note up on the notice board. She will have a second to give to Ludvic if she sees him. She will then sit and enjoy some sun while waiting for those to reply to her message*
*Ludvic access the letter. He reads it over before starting his town crying. He walks around town during lunch, dinner then breakfast and lunch the following day with the same message.*

"Good day new settlers of Ralinwood. Ellewen Tel'Montain, is seeking out all magic casters and users here in Ralinwood. She would love to talk to all of you. If you could seek her out at your earliest convience. You will find her in town most days. Or at camp Storm Vale.


Also to add, I plan on speaking to her and would be happy to take any of you when I go. This sounds like a great idea!
*Moon follows around Luvic with a giddy smile after he hears the message* "I wanna go too! Let's go together!"
*Ludvic smiles* "Very happy to have you along Moon!"
*Mina comes out of the woods when she hears Ludvic crieing. She smiles condescendingly at Moon and Ludvic. She then sits across from Ellewen*

"Hello, El.*
*walks over and sits down bye Ellewen*
Briar strolls forward and leans on a nearby tree, "I can use scrolls, does that matter?"
"Does it matter? Ofcourse it matters!"
At this time I am seeking out the magic casters - if you are a templar you may benefit from what we are doing. But first I am looking for the mages/magic casters.
"I'm learning nature magic from Moon, so I suppose I may count." He shrugs, "I'll listen in and see if I can help out."