Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Watching Stars (May 24th 11pm)
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*Aminata attempts to walk out into an open field from her camp carefully and quietly, her hood pulled forward, but she makes noises. She stops in the middle of the clearing next to the tavern andlooks up, her hood falling back. *
*brennus taps his staff on a tree as he leans against it. If Aminata looks over, brennus gestures pointing two fingers at his eyes and then directing them at her. He then smiles and gives a little wave*
*Uther walks up not too long after. He walks up beside the elf, looking up as well*

Beautiful night.
*Aminata looks back at the noise, startled, then sighs when she sees Brennus. Her lips fight a smile when she turns away from him. She notes Uther's arrival and looks up as she speaks.*


*She pauses for a moment.*

"It's nice to see the same stars are present wherever you go. Everything else is so new..."

Yes. New faces, new land... new way of life. A lot to take in at once.
*Nods, remains looking up*

"Yes, new faces..."


"How is your camp, worshipper of many gods? I hear you are a leader."

My camp is doing very well. And I as for being their leader, I am. I hear you have a camp of your own.
"It is well so far. Ellewen and I together head the camp, as our people have chosen to camp together."

*Falls silent*
Excellent. I hope our camps become good neighbours. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
*wanders out of the tavern and makes his way over to aminata*

good evening Aminata.
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