Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: Up the wrong tree ((TS 6:00pm))
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*Doyly stands at the base of a tree just off one of the paths looking up into it's branches. He has a determined yet puzzled look on his face. At his side is a clay pot and a bag with what seems like cooking implements. Whatever it is Doyly is staring at it is hidden behind the tree's leaves and can only be seen from beneath.
((what time are you doing this))
((I''m gonna say 6pm))
((K thanks))
((No problem))


*Myra spots him and waves*
"Hello, Doyly. Is everything okay?"
*Doyly quickly glances to Myra and just as quickly returns his gaze to the same spot. He speaks to Myra without moving his eyes.

"Hello Myra! Nice to see you again. I don't suppose you could, or at the very least know how to, help me with a little quest I've set myself on?"


*she steps closer and squints, gazing up into the tree*
"Um, maybe?"
*Up in the tree there is a medium sized bee hive connected to one of the branches. Bees buzzing all around it.

"I'm trying to get some honey... I can make candy with it. But these bees are VERY determined to stop me. Being part stone does help but I know from past attempts that they... Go for the eyes. Do you know of a way I can get it?"


*as soon as she catches sight of the hive she backs away quickly*
"No! Um, sorry, no. I don't want to get stung."
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