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Full Version: Prayer for respect of life (May 14 6pm)
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*Uther kneels by the tavern on the grass. His shield lays on the ground before him. His eyes closed, he speaks to the sky*

Cassandra, you continue to amaze with the beauty and dignity of life. Help us to realize the sacredness of life and to respect it from the moment of conception until the last moment at death. Give us courage to speak with truth and love and with conviction in defense of innocent life. Help us to extend the gentle hand of mercy and forgiveness to those who wish to repent for their disrespect towards life.

*He stays still for a moment, before opening his eyes*
Bal'diroth is kneeling in front of Uther with a raised brow as the human opens his eyes. "Does this mean you are with Briar in your desire to protect the land surrounding this settlement and its natives from being mutilated by those who would seek to fatally alter it?"
Of course. When we arrived, and met the Gremmel, I was the one who spoke of compassion towards them, for we were the intruders. I came here to make sure these lands are relatively untouched... But I cannot control the Lords and Lady that came with us. I will make sure my voice is heard, though. But do not expect me to be a pacifist when it comes to the other side. Should I feel that there is a threat to my camp, or the town as a whole, I will deal with it. I am no push over.... *Stands upright* You are the first of your kin to approach me about this, and I respect your courage... Should you ever need assistance, you can find me in my camp. I'm sure people can point you to Dawn's Breach.
Briar chuckles softly as he watches the two, "I believe he is merely shocked that more than I wish to see this place safe. It will not be an easy job." He pushes off the tree into a simple walk to the two, "But I am happy to offer compassion and my blades to those that need them."
Bal'diroth takes a step back and stands as Uther straightens. "Should I be so misfortunate to require such immediate help, then perhaps. Otherwise, you're a common sight around this settlement."

He takes another step back to make room for Briar as he approaches. He eyes both men. "I acknowledge your words. I will judge by deed." He glances sidelong at Uther. "Briar is a decent fighter, and seems intelligent for a human. I approve of him as your leader, insofar as that affects anything."
Indeed. But he is one of three. My camp, being as large as it is, has a council of leaders. Briar here is one, Galv the purple-clad Einher, and myself.

*He gives a quick pause*

I'm sure with time, I will prove myself a man of my word.
*Fo'ara steps out partially from behind a tree behind Bal'diroth.*

"I should hope so... Else that prayer was only lip service..."
*Crosses his arms*
I do not pray to the gods for no reason.
Bal'diroth seems to absorb the information more deeply than necessary before finally shrugging, turning on his heel, and walking toward the tavern.