Underworld Ralinwood Forums

Full Version: walking around ((ts may 12, 11:30am))
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*Brennus walks through town leaning lightly on a thick staff which bears many notches. He appears to be looking for someone and if approached will ask if anyone knows where Aminata can be found*
Why are you looking for Aminata?
I was her travelling companion on the way here and with all of the excitement that happened after the landing I lost track of her. Do you know where I might find her?
Hmmm *Ellewen looks the man up and down* I have not seen her since last night but if I do I will tell her you are looking for her.

Were you on the first boat when we all came or on another?
I was on the same ship as aminata, my name is brennus and its a pleasure to make your acquaintance *he offers aslight bow while he leans more heavily on his staff*
"Ah! Ellewen! I'm glad you found him. I have been looking all over for him since we landed."

*Smiles politely at the elf as she walks up. She looks up at Brennus.*

"What took you so long to get off the ship?"
*Shadolas walks up a few moments after Aminata and stands off to the side. He watches the surrounding area with his hands on his swords.*
*Smiles at Aminata* No problem. I take it you know him...

*Ellewen smiles at Shadolas*
*brennus sighs with relief when he sees Aminata and shadolas*
I was about tending to a few other things I did not realize it would take me so long or that opening the skein gate would be as eventful as it turned out.
*Shadolas returns Ellewen's smile and nods his head at Brennus*

"I'm glad you are done tending to things Brennus. There is still much to be done."
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