*Ellewen can be seen building a small fire on the beach. She has brought some large stumps to sit on. She has a few medium sized bottles and some cups. After building the fire she takes a seat and starts writing in her book and pours a glass and beings to drink from it*
*Ludvic strolls over to Ellewen twirling his club. He inhales deep taking in the day. When he reaches her he casually pours himself a drink and sits on a stump.* "Bottoms up Elle!" *Takes a mouthful* "Fine Day!"
*walks by and approaches the two* Can I sit with you guys?
*Aminata walks up as well and takes a seat on the sand, pulling her skirt up over her knees.*
Why yes all of you can join! Wine? *gesturing to the bottles*
How are you all liking it here?? Better than where ever you lived before?
*Aminata shrugs*
"So far it's definitely more wild than before. And the people are... far more varied."
*She waits a moment, sighs and stands to reach for a glass*
"I'm used to having a bed. I miss my bed the most. It is certainly more exciting here though!" *He takes off his boots and sticks his feet in the sand.* "Lots more walking too!"
*smiles and accepts the offered wine* It certainly is alot warmer. We live in the ice back home.
*Ellewen pours a glass for Aminata*
Yes these lands do have interesting people... and we have brought many interesting as well.
*Mina nods her head and accepts the glass.*
"I'm looking forward to getting to know all these strange people and things. And gaining all kinds of experiences."
*She sips politely from her glass*
"What's it like being an ice elf?"