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Leon’s Arms and Armour

G’day to ya folk

I’m here to lend ya my skills wit the smithins. I’d like to support ya fine lass’s and brave lad’s with our future endeavours in this new untamed land.

Fer the simplest of weapons it’ll land ya at 9 silver:
Club er Mace
Or somethin of the thrown nature

Now fer the most fantastic of weapons a single hand could hold, you be lookin at 5 gold:
Long er short sword
Mace er hammer
One handed spear “a wondrous weapon”
One handed axe

Bigger er more stylish weapons? Currently it be takin these hands more then a month to fashion. But I don’t turn away a good job. Contact me and we can make out a deal.

Arrows and bolts:
3 silver per bundle of 6

Shields fer ya board lovers:
Wood (10 threshold) 2.2 gold
Steel bound (20 threshold) 4.4 gold
Steel (30 threshold) 6.6 gold

Armour be priced by type and amount of innereds it be coverin:
Leather (1 point) 3 silver
Studded Leather (2 points) 6 silver
Chainmail (3 points) 8 silver
Plate (4 points) 1 gold

Patchin or mendin armour:
3 silver per breach

Got some arms or armour that you won’t be needin, I can melt em down to ore fer a cut.

And to those who be supplyin the materials so this one won’t be riskin his neck in the wild can work out a better deal.

Contact me at your leisure, I’ll be settin up at town proper.


Penned on behalf of Leon
*Ludvic takes down the post and reads it to himself. He then walks through town yelling Hear ye Hear ye and repeats the message aloud for 30 minutes. When the 30 minutes is complete he put the post back where he found it.*


*When Myra hears the message she looks a bit worried*
"Oh, dear, that sounds very expensive..."
*Levi chuckles.*

"He wants you to pay for materials, pay him a silver for every half-hour of his time, and then pay him coin above that... Alternatively, you could wander the woods unarmed and become fish-food.

He's gotta have guild connections or something because that's extortion, plain and simple. Then again, you should see the darkie with the 7 silver curatives.

And people thought the 7 foot snow-globe handing out razor-wire neck-scarves was the one to worry about."


*she looks down at her notebook where she's hastily scribbled down the prices*
"I'm glad I purchased my things in Jericho...9 silver for a dagger, my goodness! I got mine for 5..."

*she looks a bit confused*
"Apologies miss Myra, we used to use some rather impolite terms when we were younger and the habit is hard to kick. I meant the dark elf. Gifted alchemists, I hear, the lot of them. I suspect he is no exception."


"Oh! Um, it's okay, I guess? He seems nice, though...he gave me a potion..."

*she pulls an unlabelled potion bottle out of her belt and looks at it closely*
"I think it's a curative? Um, that's what he said."
"Well then, miss Myra. Very fortunate for you. Either he has taken a shine to you, or perhaps you should have that elixir's properties verified by another alchemist. Maybe he thinks you're a witch. 7 silvers was the price he gave Iris, I believe. Still, can hardly blame a person, or elf for that matter, for trying to make themselves wealthy. Until it costs someone their life."


*her eyes widen and she speaks with exasperation*
"I'm not a witch! And besides, he gave it to me before...before all that. Said I was one of the only ones who could fix him in the daytime and to consider it incentive."

*she peers more closely at the bottle*
"Could...could it be something else? I don't...I mean, it wouldn't be, would it?"
"Well, under those circumstances, it sounds like good old fashioned self-interest to me, and I wouldn't grey another hair worrying about it."
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