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Full Version: Outside the Tavern (May 11th, 1:00pm)
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Briar is sitting at a small bench outside of the tavern, his blades sitting on the bench beside him as he prepares a whetstone with water from his satchel.

"Have to ensure you stay sharp, if yesterday was any indicator, I must become stronger. Honour must be preserved, and with Uther making Dawnsbreach, I have work ahead of me."

His lips twitched into a slight smile as he glanced to the sky, "At least we're on land again."
*Uther walks over and sits beside Briar*

Expecting a fight? Or preparing for the unexpected?
Briar chuckles and holds up one sword to inspect the edge, "I'm aspiring to be a knight, for all I know we could attacked right now. I failed yesterday. I shall not do so again."

*look of concern on Uther's face*

You don't mean the duel, do you?
"Precisely. I did not lose my life, but the risk was very real." He shrugs as he resumes placing an edge on the blade, "Once my squire arrives from the boats I shall be training twice as hard to better myself. I shall not bring dishonour to myself, my allies, or Roland."

*Ajusts his armour*

I believe I have found a squire amongst our camp.
"Oh? Which one?"
Lilth, i believe her name was. She was the small female that wore the brown.

*Stands* Later, I shall find our camp and get everyone to introduce themselves to eachother.
He waves, "Was a fine woman, good choice."
Indeed. I shall see you later, my friend. *Walks off*
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